
Showing posts from 2021

Wish you all the best and A Happy & Prosperous New Year 2024!

Dear Friend, Wish you all the best and A Happy & Prosperous New Year 2024! OUR MISSION "To work for the poor and street children's education, medical care to senior citizens, conducting eye camps and to improve their living quality."   Here is an opportunity to change their lives in coming this year. You can make a difference by supporting the following causes: -   *  Free of cost eye operation (cataract) to restore the eyesight of elders. *  Old Age Homes, Day Care Centers and other Disaster Relief and  Rehabilitation Programmes. *  Educational support of poor and street children. *  Provide free medical treatment and medicines to old person. Your kind support is always solicited. Whenever you wish to contribute for the purpose, please pay either directly to the account, whose details are given below or send cheque to us:      Account name: Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha      Account number: 6006 1011 0002980   ...

Organize distribution of blankets to the elderly and helpless persons !

  Dear Friend,   Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha is going to organize distribution of blankets to the elderly and helpless persons to protect them from cold. It is a humble request to all the donors that on this occasion, by cooperating all of you, please give your support to give blankets to the poor people in this program.   You will be happy to know that this type of program has been organized by the organization for the last many years. In the last year, about 2500 people were given blankets with the cooperation of all of you. This facility is for those poor and alone elderly people who are out of their homes or there is no such facility in their house.   Any donor can give a blanket to a poor elderly person for protection in winter by donating only Rs 500. Your kind support is always solicited. Whenever you wish to contribute for the purpose, please pay either directly to the account, whose details are given below or send cheque to us:      Account...

Pandemic has become a global health crisis worldwide !

This is to confirm Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha a not-for-profit organization registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. Working for the poor and street children's education, medical care to senior citizens, conducting eye camps and to improve their living quality since 2006 and giving the Tax Exemption under  80G.    OUR MISSION  "To work for the poor and street children's education, medical care to senior citizens, conducting eye camps and to improve their living quality".   Here is an opportunity to change their lives this coming year. You can make a difference by supporting the following causes: -   *  Free of cost eye operation (cataract) to restore the eyesight of elders.  *  Old Age Homes, Day Care Centers and other Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Programmes.  *  Educational support of poor and street children.  *  Provide free medical treatment and medicines to old peopl...

Covid-19 Pandemic has become a global health crisis worldwide.

  Dear Friend,      In spirit, deed, thought and action, we could not achieve what we have, had YOU not been with us.    It is your support and commitment that has enabled  Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha  to work for the cause; Care of our elders and Educational support to poor & street children; with our Nationwide outreach programs. Covid-19 Pandemic has become a global health crisis worldwide. Due to this sudden outbreak some peoples are unable to arrange two meals a day and upset with hunger. You can contribute in strengthen India to resolve the fight against the menace of COVID-19. Your donation will support Food Packets, Ration Packets and other necessaries items  to poor and slum areas people, daily wage worker and every other human.    Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha is incomplete without YOU. Your donation makes the difference. Thank You!!   Of all the needy ones you may have wished to support, here i...

Blanket Distribution Program - January 2021

प्रिय दोस्त, आप  सबको बताते हुए ख़ुशी हो रही है की विगत वर्षो की तरह इस वर्ष भी जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था आप लोगो के सहयोग से जनवरी 2021 में गरीब बुजुर्गो के लिए कम्बल वितरण का आयोजन किया जा रहा है । पिछले वर्ष में आप लोगो के सहयोग से सर्दी माह में गरीब बुजुर्गो को  कम्बल का लगभग 2000 लोगो को कंबल दिया गया था।  इस वर्ष लगभग दस हजार गरीब बुजुर्ग लोगों को  कम्बल देने का  लक्ष्य है।  जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था एक राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवी संस्था है। यह सारा कार्य दानकर्ता के सहयोग से  ही पूरा हो पाता है। देश में ऐसे बहुत  सारे लोग है जो लोगो की सहायता करना चाहते है  परन्तु चाह कर भी वो नहीं  कर पाते,  कारण समायाभाव ! जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था ऐसे लोगो से निवेदन करती है की कोई भी व्यक्ति मात्र रुपया 500/- ( एक कम्बल ) देकर किसी  एक गरीब बुजुर्ग को सर्दी से बचाव के लिए सहायता करने की कृपा करे। आपके द्वारा  दिया  गया दान स्वरूप धनराशि, आयकर अधिनियम 80 ज़ी अन्तर्गत  कर मुक्त रहेगा।   आपका सहयोग प्...