Covid-19 Pandemic has become a global health crisis worldwide.

 Dear Friend,

    In spirit, deed, thought and action, we could not achieve what we have, had YOU not been with us. 

  It is your support and commitment that has enabled Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha to work for the cause; Care of our elders and Educational support to poor & street children; with our Nationwide outreach programs.

Covid-19 Pandemic has become a global health crisis worldwide. Due to this sudden outbreak some peoples are unable to arrange two meals a day and upset with hunger. You can contribute in strengthen India to resolve the fight against the menace of COVID-19. Your donation will support Food Packets, Ration Packets and other necessaries items  to poor and slum areas people, daily wage worker and every other human.


 Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha is incomplete without YOU. Your donation makes the difference. Thank You!!

  Of all the needy ones you may have wished to support, here is one group that has nothing on its side…, not education, not health, not money, not even age.

 In your hands lay the power to change millions of elder lives forever and poor child education for the better.  It is your contribution to Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha, which made us to keep working towards achieving this goal.

Your kind support is always solicited. Whenever you wish to contribute for the purpose, please pay either directly to the account, whose details are given below or send cheque to us:

     Account name: Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha
     Account number: 6006 1011 0002980
     IFSC code: BKID0006006
     Type of account: Saving Account
     Bank: Bank of India, Karol Bag, Arya Samaj Road, New Delhi

Note: In case of direct deposit to the bank account, please send us transaction slip, PAN & personal details to provide you a tax exemption certificate.

 Once again, we would like to convey our deepest appreciation for your contribution and generous support, and wish you good health and happiness in the years ahead.


Pratima Pathak
Director (Resource Mobilisation)
Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha
HO- 20/387, Kalyanpuri, Delhi- 110091
Donation through Online Click here   


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