Pandemic has become a global health crisis worldwide !

This is to confirm Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha a not-for-profit organization registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. Working for the poor and street children's education, medical care to senior citizens, conducting eye camps and to improve their living quality since 2006 and giving the Tax Exemption under  80G.   


"To work for the poor and street children's education, medical care to senior citizens, conducting eye camps and to improve their living quality". 

 Here is an opportunity to change their lives this coming year. You can make a difference by supporting the following causes: -  
*  Free of cost eye operation (cataract) to restore the eyesight of elders. 
*  Old Age Homes, Day Care Centers and other Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Programmes. 
*  Educational support of poor and street children. 
*  Provide free medical treatment and medicines to old people. 

 Current Situation

The second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has shaken up the entire country and seems to be even more devastating than the first. Fighting the new, more infectious variant of the virus, frontline health workers are working round the clock even as hospitals run out of beds and oxygen supply, and thousands succumb to preventable deaths. India has become the second-worst affected country globally, with more than 16.68m cases, while deaths continue to escalate to a total of over 316,000. 

As the situation worsens with every passing day, the need of the hour is to contain the spread of the virus and reduce the vulnerability of people to get infected. This is particularly important in case of underprivileged people, as they are at higher risk due to unsanitary and highly congested living conditions, and often lack the awareness and necessary protective gear to protect themselves.

Under our Health Cannot Wait campaign, we are aiming to provide 50 Thousand Covid Protection kits including masks, sanitizers, soaps and oximeters to less privileged children and their families.

For the poor and the vulnerable, already struggling to survive, health cannot wait!

They need your support NOW. For Donation please Click-here

 Your kind support is always solicited. Whenever you wish to contribute for the purpose, please pay either directly to the account, whose details are given below or send cheque to us: 

Account name: Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha     
Account number: 6006 1011 0002980      
IFSC code: BKID0006006       
Type of Account : Saving Account      
Bank: Bank of India, Karol Bag, Arya Samaj Road, New Delhi 
Note: In case of direct deposit Cash/DD/Cheque to our bank account, please send us transaction slip, PAN & personal details to provide you tax exemption certificate.

Hoping your contributions will be a great support for this project. 

Thanks and Regards, 
Pratima Pathak 
Director Resource Mobilisation 
Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha 
HO- # 20/387, Kalyanpuri, Delhi - 110091 
Ph No- 09953918146 
Email :  


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