
Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha - जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था

           #20/387, Kalyanpuri, Delhi- 110091 Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha (JJSS) is an NGO dedicated to the well-being, empowerment, and upliftment of vulnerable and marginalized communities, with a special focus on the elderly. Here is a breakdown of the organization’s key activities and programs: 1. Elder Self-Help Groups (ESHGs) • Purpose: JJSS facilitates the formation of Elder-Self-Help Groups, where older adults come together to engage in income-generating activities, skill development, and mutual support. These groups help seniors regain their sense of purpose, enhance their social standing, and ensure they continue contributing to their families and society. • Example: Members like Shushila Devi, who work in activities such as incense stick (agarbatti) making, are empowered to earn a livelihood and improve their socio-economic conditions. 2. Healthcare Initiatives • Primary Focus: JJSS recognizes the health needs of the elderly and offers programs to provide healthcare services,

Organize distribution of blankets for poor and needy old person !

  Dear Friend, Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha is going to  organize distribution of blankets to the elderly and helpless persons to protect them from cold. It is a humble request to all the donors that on this occasion, by cooperating all of you, please give your support to give blankets to the poor people in this program. You will be happy to know that this type of program has been organized by the organization for the last many years. In the last year, about 3000 people were given blankets with the cooperation of all of you. This facility is for those poor and alone elderly people who are out of their homes or there is no such facility in their house. Any donor can give a blanket to a poor elderly person for protection in winter by donating only Rs 550. We have received requests from many people for blanket distribution in the month of December. The organization wants to provide blankets to the needy people to protect them from the cold. Your cooperation is greatly needed to complete this

We wish you a very happy, joyous and prosperous Diwali 2023.

  Dear Friend, Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha has been working  for over 18 years to uplift India’s forgotten elders, with the support of generous and kind-hearted friends like you. Your donations enable us to serve 1.2 lakhs poor and disadvantaged elderly and 3.2 thousand children through our nationwide involvement  in healthcare, age care programmes and children educational programmes. However this is just .1% of India’s elder population and .02% of street children in India. So, this Diwali, take a pledge to light up the lives of needy elders, street poor children and donate generously so that we reach many more. Your kind support is always solicited. Whenever you wish to contribute for the purpose, please pay either directly to the account, whose details are given below or send cheque to us: ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------      Account name: Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha      Account number: 6006 1011 0002980      IFSC code: BKID0006006

जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था द्वारा कम्बल वितरण - जिला - गोंडा उत्तर प्रदेश

  जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था द्वारा कम्बल वितरण जिला - गोंडा उत्तर प्रदेश                                                                                           दिनांक-14 जनवरी से 19 जनवरी 2023  राष्ट्रीय   स्तर   पर   सामाजिक   एवं   लोक   हित   का   कार्य   करने   वाली   बहुउद्देशीय   स्वयं   सेवी   संस्था   "  जीवन ज्योति   सेवा   संस्था ,  दिल्ली  "  ने   अपने उत्तर   प्रदेश   क्षेत्रीय   कार्यालय   लखनऊ   के   सौजन्य से   गोंडा   जिले के  ग्रामीण  क्षेत्र   में    निराश्रितों   एवं    असहायों    को   को   कंबल   और   वस्त्र   बांटे। इस   कड़कड़ाती   सर्दी   में   संस्था   द्वारा   जरूरत   मंद   लोगो   को   गर्म   कपड़े   और   कंबल   देकर   जीवन   ज्योति   सेवा   संस्था   अपने   उद्देश्य   के   अंतर्गत    वितरण   कार्यक्रम   संपन्न   किया   वही   उपस्थित   लोगो   द्वारा   संस्था   के   इस   परोपकार   संचित   नेक   कार्यो   की   सराहना   की   गूँज   सुनाई   दे   रही   है। हजारो   जरूरत   मंद   निराश्रित   पुरुषों   और   महिलाओँ   को   कंबल   एवं   वस्त्र   वितरण कार्यक्रम मुख

जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था द्वारा नगर पंचायत नगर बाजार में किया कम्बल का वितरण

  जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था द्वारा नगर पंचायत नगर बाजार में किया कम्बल का वितरण प्रतिमा पाठक  निदेशक  नगर बाज़ार(बस्ती )। जीवन ज्योति सेवा संस्था द्वारा 3 जनवरी 2023 को बस्ती जिले के नगर पंचायत नगर बाजार वार्ड नं. 14 चन्द्रशेखर आजाद नगर में असहाय बुर्जुग एवं विकलांग तथा विधवा लोगों को सर्दी से बचने के लिए कम्बल बाँटा गया। कम्बल वितरण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन समाजसेवी शाश्वत पांडेय के सहयोग द्वारा किया गया।   जिसमें संस्था निदेशक प्रतिमा पाठक, संस्था महासचिव टी एन द्विवेदी एवं थानाध्यक्ष नगर श्री धर्मेंद्र कुमार तिवारी व उदयराज मेमोरियल हॉस्पिटल के संस्थापक श्री नागेंद्र बहादुर सिंह जी, उमाशंकर मणि त्रिपाठी और  क्षेत्र के सम्मानित लोग शामिल हुए।संस्था की तरफ से निवेदन किया गया कि जो समृद्ध लोग गरीबो की मदद के लिए आगे आये और अपना सहयोग प्रदान करें। कंबल वितरण के मौके पर मुख्य अतिथि थाना प्रभारी नगर धर्मेन्द्र तिवारी ने बताया कि यह सराहनीय कदम है कि जिसका कोई सहारा नहीं होता उसका भगवान ही सहारा होता है। एक ओर जहा ठिठुरती ठंढ मे रजाई एवं कम्बल के सहारे घरों में लोग सो जाते है । लेकिन उसकी जिंदगी क


Dear Friend,   This month's update from Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha is about the recent flash floods in Assam, also affecting other parts of north east as well. April and May were also about Jeevan Jyoti’s annual no agenda conversations with the masses held with our contributors, volunteers, friends and supporters across many cities of India. If you couldn't attend, here's your chance to join in. If you did join in, here's a trip down the memory lane. Due to incessant rainfall in Assam and neighboring states Nagaland, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, and Manipur, lowland Assam is facing flash floods from the downpour of rainwater and overflow of river Brahmaputra and its tributaries. As per ground reports of Assam Disaster Management Authority, more than 2 Lakhs residents of 22 districts are adversely affected by the first wave of floods and landslides in the Dima Hasao district. Out of 22 districts of flood-affected districts, Morigaon, Dhemaji, Cachar,Tamulpur, and Darrang

Save Tax and Save an Elederly and Poor Street Children !

  Save Tax and Save an Elederly and Poor Street Children ! In spirit, deed, thought and action, we could not achieve what we have, had YOU not been with us. It is your support and commitment that has enabled Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha to work for the cause; Care of our elders and Educational support to poor & street children; with our Nationwide outreach programs. Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha is incomplete without YOU. Your donation makes the difference. Thank You!! Of all the needy ones you may have wished to support, here is one group that has nothing on its side…, not education, not health, not money, not even age. Contribution to Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha are 50% tax exempt under Section 80G of the IT Act. We appeal to you to help a poor elder who will otherwise be left behind without your support. You will receive their blessings and tax benefit. Your kind support is always solicited. Whenever you wish to contribute for the purpose, please pay either directly to the ac