Save Tax and Save an Elederly and Poor Street Children !

Save Tax and Save an Elederly and Poor Street Children ! In spirit, deed, thought and action, we could not achieve what we have, had YOU not been with us. It is your support and commitment that has enabled Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha to work for the cause; Care of our elders and Educational support to poor & street children; with our Nationwide outreach programs. Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha is incomplete without YOU. Your donation makes the difference. Thank You!! Of all the needy ones you may have wished to support, here is one group that has nothing on its side…, not education, not health, not money, not even age. Contribution to Jeevan Jyoti Sewa Sanstha are 50% tax exempt under Section 80G of the IT Act. We appeal to you to help a poor elder who will otherwise be left behind without your support. You will receive their blessings and tax benefit. Your kind support is always solicited. Whenever you wish to contribute for the purpose, please pay either directly to th...