Wishes you very happy and prosperous Diwali.

Dear Friend, Wishes you very happy and prosperous Diwali. A time, when the world lights up with love, joy and togetherness, the happiness is all about sharing. So, how about lighting the lives of the disadvantaged elderly with no one to support them?? There are over 100 million elderly in India. 50 million sleep hungry, 25 million live alone and 15 million are blind because they cannot afford simple Cataract surgery. Diwali is a wonderful occasion to light up the lives of those who need your help the most- India’s needy and helpless elderly. Here is an opportunity to change their lives, brighten their Diwali to little special this year. You can make a difference by supporting the following causes:- · Free of cost eye operation (cataract) to restore the eyesight of elders. · Old Age Homes, Day Care Centers and other Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Program...